Meet Our
Weightloss Without Willpower
(W3) Coaches!
Coach Monique decided to change her life in 2014 to have a healthier lifestyle, but there was still something lacking; she never felt content with where she was with her progress. However, when the W3 program was released in 2022 and there Coach Monique found the final piece of the puzzle that was missing: God had been missing from her process.
One of her favorite parts of W3 is the Pray&Plan step. This is where we invite the Lord to be a part of each step of our progress -- and what better way than committing our food and eating habits to the Lord daily?
A recovering "over-achiever," Monique had a history of overthinking and emotional eating. Still, she continues to find a win along the way because as we learn in W3, "progress IS perfection." With the help of the "casting down imaginations" technique, Coach Monique has dramatically decreased overthinking and experiences far more peace of mind. She has a passion to help other women experience that same relief. And with the support and love of the W3 sisters community, Monique believes you will always feel like a winner!
As a Certified W3 Coach, Certified PraiseMoves Instructor (CPI), CPI Trainer, and Fitness Trainer, she is also passionate about helping women become healthier and stronger in spirit, soul, and body. She enjoys helping her clients believe in themselves, grow closer to the Lord, restore their bodies, and begin to see themselves as the beautiful woman the Lord has created them to be!
As a working, homeschooling mom with many health issues, Coach Jessica found it hard to let go of those extra pounds. Jessica was overweight even as a child and had watched her mother struggle with Type 2 Diabetes and other health issues. In 2022, Jessica decided to start making changes to avoid the health problems that had plagued her mother.
Jessica tried Intermittent Fasting by itself and was discouraged by how slowly she was making progress and how difficult it seemed. Then she saw Dr. Laurette’s post online about W3 and knew it was what God was calling her to do. Since October of 2022, she has let go of 42 pounds (60 pounds gone overall) and is continuing to maintain her weight loss and is now focusing on gaining muscle.
With a full schedule, she knew she had to make the time to prioritize exercise and meal planning for her own health as well as the health of her family. She is now a regular at the local gym and continues to work out and improve as an athlete, something she had never thought possible before W3.
A Certified Health Coach, Jessica has a background in Education and is passionate about encouraging women to reach their goals, teaching them the W3 principles that have brought her success. She has learned to pray over her health journey and give it all to the Lord. Coach Jessica inspires her clients to make the small changes they can today. There is always a step toward progress we can make today!
Coach Rebecca changed her life in 2023. She has had a dream to become a health coach for many years. After losing 25 pounds with Weightloss Without Willpower, she decided to become a W3 Coach.
Rebecca is not only a Certified W3 Coach and Registered Nurse, but she also has a unique understanding of how the spirit, soul, and body were designed for victorious living.
She believes that when the body is fueled with the right nutrition, it will heal itself the way God designed, and walk in vibrant health.
Rebecca is a recovering “sugarholic” and will show you why you may be turning to food to “feel better” or “find comfort." She will coach you with the tools that have helped her to drop the excess weight and keep it off by showing you how to use God’s Word and the Weightloss Without Willpower techniques instead of using food.
Coach Rebecca is passionate about helping women discover what the Lord can do in their lives and begin to see themselves as the beauty He has created them to be!
As a Certified Life Coach, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, and Licensed & Ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Dr. Laurette Willis has helped thousands of believers over the last 20+ years with personal development, fitness & goal achievement via books, television, radio, and podcasts; training programs, mentoring, and coaching.
She is the creator of the Weightloss Without Willpower (W3) program and sisterhood, and the Personal Transformation Program, the first coaching programs of their kind to combine principles of Biblical truth WITH Neuroscience. She is also the Founder of PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry (since 2001) and the Certified Health Coach Institute (since 2014).
Having been an emotional overeater since she was six years old, Dr. Laurette has a unique understanding of women who suffer with the same issues, and she is grateful for the freedom she has now found in Christ with her Bible-based "Renew the Mind + Retrain the Brain" techniques using Neuroscience principles based on Scripture.
She has also helped countless women who long to walk in their calling. She specializes in helping women of faith like you take action steps in the direction of your calling--even if you feel a million miles away from where you want to be right now.
While Dr. Laurette still occasionally coaches individual clients, her main focus in W3 centers on providing teaching modules and group coaching for the W3 Sisterhood in weekly meetings, twice-yearly Weight Upon the Lord Challenges, retreats, and support within our growing W3 Community.