Hello, beautiful woman of God! I'm Dr. Laurette, your Christian Neurocoach and Founder of PraiseMoves Fitness Ministry, Personal Transformation Coaching, and Weightloss Without Willpower.
Today, we're diving into a faith-based personal growth approach that won't overwhelm you but will undoubtedly elevate you.
Transform Your Christian Life: How can you fully live out God’s purpose without burning out?
The secret is a 1% level up in ten essential areas of your spiritual wellness and life. Small, intentional changes can yield significant results, especially when aligned with God's wonderful plan for your life.
As Scripture says, "Do not despise this small beginning, for the eyes of the Lord rejoice to see the work begin" (Zechariah 4:10 TLB).
1. Faith & Spirituality
1% Level Up in Christian Living: Dedicate an additional 5 minutes to prayer or reading Scripture daily.
Outcome: A deepened relationship with the Lord, fueling your day with purpose and the wisdom of God through His Holy Word.
2. Family
1% Level Up: Implement a weekly “unplugged” family hour. "Twister, anyone?" 🤣
Outcome: Improved connections with your loved ones, leading to a happier home life enriched by Christian family values. More meaningful connections can make even teenagers put down their phones and say, "Mom, you're actually kind of cool."
3. Personal Development
1% Level Up: Read a chapter a week from a personal growth book based on Biblical principles.
Outcome: A more profound sense of self-awareness and a closer alignment with God's purpose for your walk with the Lord.
4. Community
1% Level Up: Volunteer one hour a month at your local church or community center.
Outcome: A stronger sense of community involvement and spiritual fulfillment. Earn the priceless feeling of having made a difference. It’s the kind of glow that no high-dollar skincare can offer!

5. Health & Wellness
1% Level Up: Incorporate some movement into your day through faith-fueled Christian fitness. Walk and pray, or enjoy PraiseMoves ("The Christian ALTERNATIVE to Yoga") to "Transform Your Workouts into Worship!"
Try a fun and free "Taste of PraiseMoves" class HERE. Check out live classes in your area or online.
Outcome: Improved physical health that complements your spiritual well-being. Boost your energy and take a step toward being a "Fit Witness" for Christ in spirit, soul, and body.
6. Prayer & Worship
1% Level Up: Include one new worship song in your morning routine--while getting ready for your day, driving to work, or doing chores. Sing along and focus on the Lord of Glory. My, look at that beautiful smile on your face!
Outcome: A heightened sense of peace and joy throughout your day. "The joy of the Lord is your strength" (Nehemiah 8:10), and joy is one of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).
7. Career & Vocation
1% Level Up: Dedicate 15 minutes a week to learning something new related to your professional field.
Outcome: Enhanced skills and greater confidence and accomplishment in your career. Enhance your professional toolkit while being a living testimony in the workplace.
8. Outreach & Evangelism
1% Level Up: Share an uplifting Scripture or testimony with one friend a week.
Outcome: Strengthened friendships and the opportunity to touch lives in meaningful ways through faith. You will be amazed at how your sharing will bless people.
9. Finances
1% Level Up: Save 1% of your monthly income. You may not think that 1% can make that much of a difference, but it makes a great difference over time. Believe me, you won't miss that fancy coffee or sweet.
"The Lord will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand, and He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you" (Deuteronomy 28:8). It's important that you have a "storehouse" (bank account) to be blessed. 😘
Outcome: Financial stability that allows you to live generously.

10. Relationships
1% Level Up: Send a 'Thinking of You' text to a different friend each week.
Outcome: Renewed friendships and a supportive social circle that enriches your life. You’ll be the friend everyone is thankful for come Thanksgiving, not just for your sweet potato casserole. 😉
I'd like to invite you...
My dear sisters, imagine the transformation you'll undergo with consistent, focused effort, anchored in the Word and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Are you ready to dive deeper?

I invite you to a complimentary Christian Life Coaching Breakthrough Session with me. During this session, we'll discover the unique ways to "level up" in your faith journey and life.
Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your success in achieving your goals. Together, we'll chart a course for you to be Healthy, Fit, and Free—the best possible version of yourself, all for God’s glory and your fulfillment.
Leave your *BREAKTHROUGH* Session renewed, re-energized, & inspired to start living the life of your dreams!
Ready to start this transformative journey? Click here to learn more and schedule your life-altering Breakthrough Session with me today.
Remember, in Christ, you are equipped for every good work He has prepared for you. Lean into His strength as you embark on this beautiful journey.
POST BELOW: What is ONE thing you commit to doing this week to do a 1% Level Up in your life? I'd really like to know! ~ Dr. Laurette
Interesting….. so far this week I've sent 7; they all came to mind and I couldn’t decide who to pick, soooo.
I probably won’t have that many every week…. But God… well He may have a different idea than I do! 🥰
I pray God will help me start adding these small but intentional 1% level up changes to my life.